Archive for May 21st, 2010

May 21, 2010

sugar-almond plums

by Cara Funk


Growing up, my school loved plays with a certain passion that is faintly insane, nonetheless helpful in my appreciation of the arts. I’ve always wanted to play the Sugarplum Fairy, or Titania because  I’ve always imagined myself wearing some sort of a crown. I don’t think it’s all because of too much Disney princesses. No! I refuse to believe it’s all a psychological condition. Haha. Because deep within my heart (powdered with confectioner’s sugar and smothered with strawberry jam), I know I am secretly a princess. 

Over the years, the truths about life have slowly conquered this desire. As I discover many things about myself: that I am mortal and elfin servants will never reveal the secrecy of my royalty on my 16th birthday. Haha. But most importantly, that my makings were never for being a princess. 

But, things change. I still believe I’m a princess 🙂 And the aforementioned realizations were all but adolescent nonsense. I realized, that the more you grow older, your dreams and desires as a child make more sense.

This week, there are a few drops of sunshine that made me feel like I’m truly a princess.

1. Strawberry jam generously smothered on toasted berry muffins with a candy flower surprise for breakfast.

2. Joepher, the darling, paying for all the medications I need. And walking me home. And cutting out a butterfly out of his office things for me.

3. I’m cramming for a seminar I’ll be conducting in two weeks’ time. I’m talking about the customs and manners of Jews in the Bible times. I know, it’s hardly my expertise. But reading up about it was surprisingly interesting and easy. Appreciating my religion makes me feel like royalty haha.

4. Easily convincing Gino, my brother, to submit my enrollment papers for me. Even without having to bribe him with money, initially. Take note, initially. I still had to give him a few bucks for it.

5. Isobel, a co-royalty, sharing her wardrobe with me.

6. The people on the MRT taking care of me on rush hour. Though Joepher had to remind me that there’s a train particularly for women. I always keep forgetting haha. But I think when you’re busy taking care of your kingdom, you tend to forget these things.

7. Shopping for pink shoes 🙂 And strawberry yogurt.

8. Papa, expressing how beautiful he finds me.
